Rafał Stepnowski, president of Boeing Poland, had a huge impact on Poland’s security and increased the defense capabilities of our country. He did it not only by strengthening the Polish army by ensuring the delivery of 96 Apache AH-64 helicopters, but also earlier – by cooperating with the Polish Navy. Thanks to his actions, it was equipped as one of the first in the world with digital navigation maps.
Thanks to his managerial talents, vision and commitment, there are currently 800 people working in Gdańsk alone, representing the fields of air navigation, software, engineering and many other areas. With these activities, he also supported the development and security of civil aviation.
Always deeply involved in what he undertook, he was an inspiration for employees, business partners, people working in local government organizations. He gave strength, self-confidence and support in difficult times.
We are sad to say goodbye to Rafał Stepnowski, recalling the moments spent together in Lviv.